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The following list gives an overview of doctoral programs and graduate schools at the seven faculties of UZH:
Zurich Graduate School of Economics
Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics
Doctoral Program in Biomedical Ethics and Law - Medical Track
Doctoral Program in Computational Science
Doctoral Program in Public Understanding of Science
Doctoral Program in Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology
Life Science Zurich Graduate School
Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology
Doctoral Program in Ecology
Doctoral Program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Doctoral Program in Evolutionary Biology
Doctoral Program in Biomedicine
Doctoral Program in Microbiology and Immunology
Doctoral Program in Molecular Life Sciences
Doctoral Program in Neuroscience
Doctoral Program in Plant Science
Doctoral Program in RNA Biology
Doctoral Program in Science and Policy
Doctoral Program in Systems Biology