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Graduate Campus

Professionals in supervision


The aim of this workshop is to create room to reflect on your role as a supervisor, to exchange experiences with other supervisors and to provide you with tools needed to supervise PhD candidates at a professional level. The course is interactive and alternates between presentations, working with tools and methods, and exchanging experiences related to supervision based on participant’s cases (we will ask for a case study from each participant, max. 1 page). 


After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • reflect on your own supervision style in a broader perspective,
  • identify challenging phases of the PhD project and act on upcoming crises,
  • adapt communicative tools for active listening and giving feedback,
  • adapt the supervision process, so the PhD candidates’ learning is optimized, 
  • take intercultural dimensions into account in the supervision, 
  • clarify mutual expectations between you, the PhD candidate and other supervisors/people connected to the project.

Mirjam Godskesen, Part-time associate professor (PhD) at Aalborg University; Independent consultant, coach and researcher.

Target participants

This workshop is for professors engaged in supervision.


10 & 11 June 2025  9:00 - 16:00


RAA-E-29 (Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich)

Registration  Please click here to register.

Online guide to supervision