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Graduate Campus



  • Carton, Janet (n.d.): Research Supervisor Support and Development. Review of Policy, Practices and Procedures in Five U21 Partner Universities. Universitas 21 and UCD International.
  • Delamont, Sara; Atkinson, Paul & Parry, Odette (2004): Supervising the Doctorate. Maidenhead, New York: A Guide to Success. Society for Higher Education & Open University Press.
  • European University Association (2010): Salzburg II Recommendations. European Universities’Achievements since 2005 in Implementing the Salzburg Principles. Brussels: EUA.
  • LERU (League of European Research Universities) (2010): Doctoral Degrees Beyond 2010:Training Talented Researchers for Society. Leuven: LERU.
  • LERU (League of European Research Universities) (2014): Good Practice Elements in Doctoral Training. Follow-on to the LERU paper “Doctoral Degrees Beyond 2010: Training Talented
  • Researchers for Society”. Advice Paper 15. Leuven: LERU.
  • LERU (League of European Research Universities) (2016): Maintaining a Quality Culture in Doctoral Education at Research-Intensive Universities. Advice Paper 19. Leuven: LERU.
  • Marsh, Helene & Lamprecht, Mel (2012): Outcomes from a Workshop to Explore Approaches to Quality Doctoral Research Training in Our Region. A Workshop Conducted by the Australian Council Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies (DDOGS), with Support from the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). Canberra:Commonwealth of Australia.
  • ORPHEUS (Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Science in the European System) & AMSE (The Association of Medical Schools in Europe) (2016): Best Practices for PhD Training. Zagreb, Berlin: ORPHEUS/AMSE.
  • Peker, Efé; Phelps, Jenny & Porter, Susan (2017): Report on the Pilot Public Scholars Initiative (PSI) 2015-17. University of British Columbia, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
    Sonneveld, Hans (2016): Selection and Admission of Doctoral Candidates. Manual forDoctoral Programs, Graduate and Research Schools. Netherlands Centre of Expertise forDoctoral Education.
  • Taylor, Stan; Kiley, Margaret & Humphrey, Robin (2018): A Handbook for Doctoral Supervisors.Second Edition. Oxon, New York: Routledge.

Weiterführende Literatur:

  • Bengtsen, Soren S.E. (2016): Doctoral Supervision: Organization and Dialogue, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
  • Byrne, Joanne; Jørgensen, Thomas & Loukkola, Tia (2013): Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education – Results of the ARDE Project. Brussels: EUA (European University Association).
  • Delamont, Sara; Atkinson, Paul & Parry, Odette (2000): The Doctoral Experience: Success and Failure in Graduate School. London: Falmer.
  • Elmgren, Maja, (2016): The Formation of Doctoral Education, Lund: Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University.
  • European Commission (2011a): Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation. Directorate B - European Research Area Unit B.2 «Skills».
  • Group of Eight (2013): The Changing PhD. Discussion Paper. Turner, Australian Capital Territory: Group of Eight.
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2015): Leitlinien der Promotionskultur an der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. (Stand: 12.05.2015; Zugriff: 06.10.2017)
  • James, Richard & Baldwin, Gabrielle (1999): Eleven Practices of Effective Postgraduate Supervisors. Victoria: Centre for the Study of Higher Education and The School of Graduate Studies, The University of Melbourne.
  • Lee, Anne (2011): Successful Research Supervision: Advising Students Doing Research, Oxon, New York: Routledge.
  • LERU (League of European Research Universities) (2018): Delivering Talent: Careers of Researchers Inside and Outside Academia. Position Paper. Leuven: LERU.
  • McCulloch, Alistair & Loeser, Cassandra (2016): Does Research Degree Supervisor Training Work? The Impact of a Professional Development Induction Workshop on Supervision Practice, Higher Education Research & Development, 35:5, 968-982.
  • OECD (2012): Transferable Skills Training for Researchers. Paris: OECD.
  • Porter, Susan D. & Phelps, Jennifer M. (2014): Beyond Skills: An Integrative Approach to Doctoral Student Preparation for Diverse Careers. Canadian Journal of Higher Education 44(3): 54-67.
  • QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) 2017: UK Quality Code for Higher Education. Part B: Assuring and Enhancing Academic Quality. Chapter B11: Research Degrees. Gloucester: QAA.
  • Universitas 21 (2015): Summary Report on the Universitas 21 International Workshop on Research Supervisor Support and Development ‐ Practices, Principles & Priorities. SJTU 25‐26th March 2015.
  • University of Edinburgh (2017): Excellence in Doctoral Education and Career Development Programme: Progress Reports May 2017. (Stand: Mai 2017; Zugriff: 9.10.2018)
  • Vereinigung akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich (VAUZ): Auswertung der Umfrage zur Arbeitszufriedenheit und zum Betreuungsverhältnis von Doktorierenden und Postdocs an der UZH. Februar 2018.
  • Wisker, Gina (2012): The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations, London: Palgrave McMillan.