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Graduate Campus

Postdoc Community: Gemeinsam nächste Schritte erreichen

Die nächste Postdoc Community (2024/25) wird im Spätherbst starten. 

Learn about the Postdoc Community 2023/24

*The Postdoc Community is only for researchers at UZH currently in a postdoc position.

Academia is an exciting field to work in. Yet, it can be challenging to deal with the uncertainty that comes with it. What we propose in this format is for you to take some time and space, to work on alternative career paths and to reflect on your competencies. When you know the alternatives, you can make better decisions, increase your security, and in the end even your life satisfaction. 
Kick Off - Workshop: 
18 October 2023: 9 am - 4:30 pm, on-site (room TBA)
In this workshop, you will learn everything that is necessary for your career engagement.
13 December 12.00-13.30 on-site - How to develop your job search strategy
18 January 16.00-17.30 online – How to apply for non-academic jobs
5 March 12.15-13.45 on-site - Topic based on your wishes
Peer Mentoring
In between, you will meet as a self-organized peer group (we suggest at least once per month). Each working peer group is also provided with one lunch meeting with a trainer (group members and trainers only). 

This community will offer you space to 
learn the methods and instruments for your career engagement
·       develop a strategy for your own career engagement
·       discover the current job market and its possibilities for you
·       explore your individual career resources
·       learn from and together with your peers while becoming part of a postdoc community that shares experiences, best practices and the journey
·       and most importantly, to experience that searching for career options can actually be fun!

Roger Gfroerer, Dr. oec. publ.
Roger Gfrörer has been Head of the UZH Career Services since its foundation in 2008. After finishing his PhD in Human Resource Management, he worked in the UZH HR department. Before that, Roger was a senior assistant for the chair of HRM at the University of Zurich for five years. Additionally, he worked at Tamedia for five years, four years at IBM Switzerland, and two winters as a ski teacher in the Swiss Alps. 
Roger has extensive knowledge of the education system in Switzerland. He is a lecturer at various educational institutions and currently teaches at the university level (Bachelor, Master, PhD and postdoc-Level), for schools of applied sciences, for colleges of professional education, and in vocational training. 
Roger is a founding member of several regional Career Services Networks and an active member of several global career services networks. He is driven by his passion is to empower people to take their next career steps.
Julia Michael, Dr. phil. 
Julia did her PhD in literary and cultural studies. She has been working in the field of personnel development at various universities with a focus on PhDs and postdocs. 
Next to further training on career counseling, Julia finished a coaching education in 2021. 
Julia has been active as a freelance trainer, career counselor and coach. “I am a sparring partner: I listen, I look, I provide time and space and I offer my expertise around job search, networking, applications, and the transition from the academic to the non-academic job market.” 


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Eric Alms

Überfachliche Kompetenzen
