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Graduate Campus

At a glance: GRC Grants announced

Consult the FAQ Short Grants  or FAQ Travel Grants before completing an application.

GRC Career Grants

We recommend the following manuals for preparing an entry:
Budget planning guidelines
Sustainability guidelines
Funded projects

Who can apply? Postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers – for details go to definition of eligibility to apply (Eligibility)
Defined procedure
  • Consultation: A preparatory consultation is mandatory. 20 consulting slots are offered per application period. You can view and book available consulting appointments online via the GRC tool. Before you book a consultation, please read the official call.
  • Submission: from 6 weeks until the deadline, at the latest by 15 March in the first half of the year or by 15 October in the second half of the year.
  • Review and decision: Grants are awarded by the GRC Awards Committee  and decisions will be communicated no later than 8 weeks after submission.
Funding – how much? CHF 5,000 to 15,000 per submission (2 times for the same project is possible in principle, first-time applications will be prioritized).
What can be  funded?  See ourGuidelines for buget planning
•    Materials and operational costs (such as data collection, fees, and publications)
•    Publication costs (such as APCs / printing costs)
•    Personnel (for junior researchers, student employees, experts, probationers)
•    Peer formats (such as mentoring and research groups, event series, and smaller projects)
•    Science communication to the public (outreach)
•    Academic teaching or mentoring activities 
What is evaluated?  See the GRC Sustainability Guidelines
  • Added value for one's academic career and society
  • Sustainability regarding the environment and society
Where is the official call? Go to GRC Career Grants.


GRC Short Grants

We recommend the following manuals for preparing an entry:
FAQ Short Grants
Budget planning guidelines
Sustainability guidelines
Funded projects

Who can apply?

Postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers – for details go to definition of eligibility to apply (Eligibility)
Defined procedure
  • Submission: Applications can be submitted anytime throughout the year. The submission date must be 3 months before the start of the activity.
  • Review and decision: Grants are awarded by the GRC Coordination Office and decisions will be communicated no later than 8 weeks after submission.
Funding – how much? From CHF 500 up to CHF 5,000 per submission (recurring projects are excluded).
What can be funded?  See our Guidelines for budget planning
  • Materials and operational costs (such as data collection, fees, and publications)
  • Publication costs (such as APCs / printing costs)
  • Personnel (for junior researchers, student employees, experts, probationers)
  • Peer formats (such as mentoring and research groups, event series, and smaller projects)
  • Self-organized events at UZH (such as workshops, conferences, and meetings)
  • Participation fees (such as training courses, workshops, conferences, meetings); excluding travel expenses
  • Science communication to the public (outreach)
  • Academic teaching or mentoring activities
What is evaluated?  See the GRC Sustainability Gudielines
  • Added value for one's academic career and society
  • Sustainability regarding the environment and society
Where is the official call? Go to GRC Short Grants


GRC Travel Grants

We recommend the following manuals for preparing an entry:
FAQ Travel Grants
Sustainable travel guidelines
Sustainability guidelines
Funded projects

Who can apply? The call is open to all early career researchers at UZH. Submissions from advanced doctoral researchers and postdocs will be prioritized. definition of eligibility to apply (Eligibility)
Defined procedure
  • Submission: from 6 weeks until the deadline, at the latest by 15 April in the first half of the year or by 15 November in the second half of the year. The submission window is limited to 100 applications.
  • Review and decision: Grants are awarded by theGRC Coordination Office  and decisions will be communicated no later than 8 weeks after the submission deadline.
Funding - how much? For travel and stays between 0 and 6 months,  between CHF 115 and CHF 4,900 per submission (multiple applications are possible, first-time applications will be prioritized)
What can be funded? 
  • Field study / data collection
  • Research
  • Academic meetings
  • Summer / Winter schools
  • Research stay
  • Research exchange with industry
What is evaluated?  See the GRC Sustainability Guidelines
  • Added value for one's academic career and society
  • Sustainability regarding the environment and society
Where is the official call? Go to GRC Travel Grants


Weiterführende Informationen


Please consult  theFAQ before contacting us. It currently takes up to two weeks to answer new questions.

Marco Toscano
Grants & Awards

Funded projects

GRC Grants are funding awarded for individual initiatives. 

Get an insight into the diversity of projects funded by GRC Career Grants and Short Grants.

Completed Calls

In 2023, the GRC Calls were updated.

Here is an overview of the former funding lines.


Unterseiten von GRC Grants